polyStylism is:

realizing that everything is connected

Can we give something a name using an existing word and then say it means something that has already been said many times before, but it should now be seen in a new way?
Naming something is probably the easy part. But letting it mean something new even though it has been said many times before will need some explaining.

What makes saying everything is connected different this time compared to the multiple times this has already been said in the past?
Maybe this time it really means something. No, that can’t be it, because it also means something every other time it is said and will be said.
Maybe this time a crazy person said it. Well…, hold that thought, because if the next part is too confusing, sounds too absurd or is making you feel like you’re losing your mind, that thought may help you snap back to sanity.

Some connection examples
To some, it may sound a bit weird to say it like this, but humanity is one big family, so there’s a connection there, but this is not where it stops.
Animals are our cousins. No, not saying we are monkeys here, just saying we have a common ancestor. And while most humans are better behaved than most animals, most animals are better behaved than some humans.

Plants and other forms of life we don’t call animals are our far cousins. Again, not saying you should marry a tree, unless you really, really want to. Although this variation in human behavior is very rare as there is no way for it to consistently procreate, it keeps popping up so now and then. But that’s not the point.
All current life has a common ancestor, so there’s a connection there.

There may however be forms of life that existed before our current forms of life emerged. Moreover, current life might not even have emerged without those earlier lifeforms existing. Those ancient forms of life may have become unrecognizable for us as being lifeforms, because although they are currently among us, they may have formed extreme symbiotic or parasitic relationships with later lifeforms (this is including humans, for example, with our precious mitochondria).

And, even more plausible, some of the most ancient lifeforms may have been just the parts necessary that enabled the later lifeforms to exist. Their new ways of life may have gotten them to lose much of the complexity that existed before when they needed to exist on their own that would have led us to recognize them as lifeforms. And again, not the point.
Anyhow, a wanted and unwanted connection right there.
The connection also doesn’t stop there either, but it will have to do for now.